Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Tick Tock Project - What is It

Ever wonder how many times a day you ask yourself "what time is it?" and look at your watch? Ever wonder how many people around the world each day do the exact same thing? It really is a very common daily ritual! It's a part of our lives! Besides that, watches (tick tocks) have certainly become a dress item, and very fashionable. In fact, don't you just feel naked when you walk out of the house and forget to put your watch on? I know I do and when I do I just feel like I've left part of me behind. My hand feels awkward, like it's missing something! Crazy isn't it?

A watch tells you something about the person who owns and wears it. It tells you something about what they like, their personality and style. If it was a present then a watch might also tell you something about the person who gifted it to you, perhaps something about their impression or their interpretation of what you like or who you are, and what's your style.

Chanel | Watches

But is there anything else that comes out of this?

Join me on this global journey about the ubiquitous tick tock and let's find out. My hunch is that there are some surprises instore for all of us!!! In the next post I will explain how you can participate.
